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Illinois Supreme Court BIPA Decision Highlights Need to Pair Strong Privacy Measures with Robust Insurance Coverage – A Pasich Attorney, Jeffrey Schulman & Tae Andrews Publish ACC Docket Article

Apr. 27, 2023

The Supreme Court of Illinois ruling in Cothron v. White Castle System, Inc. has paved the way for massive potential damages awards under the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), the country’s foremost statute governing the collection, use, and disclosure of biometric data.  The decision highlights the need for in-house legal departments to focus on minimizing privacy liability while also serving as a reminder to procure insurance coverage that can protect the bottom line in the event of an adverse judgment or settlement. 


In their article for ACC Docket, a Pasich attorney and Jeffrey Schulman and Senior Managing Associate Tae Andrews discuss the impact of the Cothron decision and commonly held insurance policies that can cover privacy-liability claims. 


Read the article here.

Jeffrey L. Schulman
Managing Partner
Name a Northeast Trailblazer in 2021 by The American Lawyer

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