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Ransomware Attack Can Have Ripple Effect on Nearby Hospitals – A Pasich Attorney Explains How Cyber Insurance Offers Protection in Healthcare Risk Management Interview

Sep. 06, 2023

If a hospital’s response to another hospital in the community fighting a ransomware attack is only relief that it was not their facility, they could be in for a surprise.

“The most valuable record on the dark web is a healthcare record — not financial or payment information, as most people assume,” a Pasich attorney explained in an interview with Healthcare Risk Management. “That means all hospitals should be prepared for a ransomware attack.”

“Healthcare organizations should carry cyber insurance that would help in these situations,” They said. “Not only can the insurance help with financial concerns, but the insurer can provide resources and connections to help protect from some of the damage caused by ransomware.”

“In order to get cyber insurance in the first place, you have to be at a certain level of cyber preparedness. The insurers are really making folks jump through hoops to even qualify,” they added. “That in and of itself can be a valuable process because it helps companies understand what at least a base level of security is to be insured.”

Read the full story here.


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